Garey's Blog–FreeBSD/PHP/GoLang

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十二月 15th, 2009

FreeBSD 8.0 Gnome桌面

No Comments, FreeBSD, by garey, 5,181 views.

FreeBSD 8.0装了Linux版QQ,感觉还不错…

十二月 15th, 2009


No Comments, FreeBSD, by garey, 17,002 views.

ATI没有freebsd的驱动。 需要在内核配置文件中加入下面两行 device    drm # DRM core module required by DRM drivers device    i915drm # Intel i830 through i915 device    mach64drm # ATI Rage Pro, Rage Mobility P/M, Rage XL device    mgadrm # AGP Matrox G200, G400, G450, G550 devic…

十二月 15th, 2009


1 Comment, FreeBSD, MySQL, PHP, by garey, 10,908 views.

1,安装mysql cd /usr/ports/database/mysql51-server make install clean 2,安装lighttpd cd /usr/ports/www/lighttpd make install clean (默认选项) 3,安装php5 cd /usr/ports/lang/php5 make install clean (默认选项) 4,安装php5-extensions cd /usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions make ins…

十二月 15th, 2009


No Comments, FreeBSD, by garey, 7,524 views.

ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/garey/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/garey/.ssh/id_rsa…

十二月 15th, 2009


No Comments, FreeBSD, by garey, 7,325 views.

昨天raymond把ipfw编进内核,结果一重启,默认策略把自己挡在门外。今天把策略重新作了详细研究,再重新编辑了策略。vi /etc/rc.conf新增firewall_enable=”YES”firewall_type=”UNKNOWN”firewall_script=”/etc/ipfw.rules” vi /etc/ipfw.rules#!/bin/sh oif=”em0″iif=”em1&…

十二月 15th, 2009


No Comments, FreeBSD, by garey, 8,650 views.

在网上搜了很多关于postfix+mysql的帖子,发现Extmail做的很好,只是本人要用的系统是FreeBSD 7.2,而Extmail For FreeBSD安装手册不是用的mysql,本人结合Extmail For Linux安装手册,成功安装了一套邮件系统(FreeBSD+Postfix+MySQL+Extman)。 一、创建帐号增加一个存储邮件的帐号和组(vmail)执行如下命令pw group add vmail -g 1000pw user add vmail -u 1000 -g 100…

十二月 15th, 2009


No Comments, FreeBSD, by garey, 8,091 views.

当BIND设置好后,启动的时候总是报如下错误: Jul 9 14:08:31 file named[32501]: the working directory is not writable 直接修改/etc/namedb目录的权限,在重启BIND之后权限还会恢复过来,问题依旧。在网上搜索之后,得到如下解决办法。 It is what’s called “programmer inflected useless warnings”.The directory optio…

十二月 15th, 2009

FreeBSD Name Server配置

1 Comment, FreeBSD, by garey, 9,826 views.

FreeBSD系统自带BIND软件,我们编辑/etc/namedb/named.conf即可设置BIND。 把默认的named.conf作个备份 cp /etc/namedb/named.conf /etc/namedb/named.conf.default 修改named.conf options选项增加 allow-query     { any; }; recursion       no;        // 不提供递归服务 去掉 listen-on       {; }; 域…