Garey's Blog–FreeBSD/PHP/GoLang

三月 18th, 2010

FreeBSD 8.0的网关实现手册(ipfw+natd)

1 Comment, FreeBSD, by garey, 12,489 views.



options    IPFIREWALL
options    IPDIVERT



vi /etc/rc.conf

ifconfig_em1="inet  netmask"





vi /etc/ipfw.rules


fwcmd="/sbin/ipfw -q add"

valid_tcpport="22, 80"

/sbin/ipfw -q -f flush

$fwcmd 0100 allow all from any to any via $iif
$fwcmd 0110 allow all from any to any via lo0

$fwcmd 0200 check-state

$fwcmd 1000 allow all from any to any out via $oif keep-state

$fwcmd 1100 allow tcp from any to me $valid_tcpport in via $oif setup keep-state


vi /etc/ppp/ppp.conf

set device PPPoE:em0
set mru 1492
set mtu 1492
set authname **********
set authkey **********
set dial
set login
add default HISADDR
enable dns
set timeout 0
set redial 3 5
set reconnect 5 10000
set cd 5



三月 11th, 2010


No Comments, FreeBSD, Linux, by garey, 9,636 views.


注:在相对比较大的网站,节约下来的服务器成本无疑是客观的。而有些小型网站往往服务器不多,如果采用 Apache 这类传统 Web 服务器,似乎也还能撑过去。但有其很明显的弊端: Apache 在处理流量爆发的时候(比如爬虫或者是 Digg 效应) 很容易过载,这样的情况下采用 Nginx 最为合适。


Apache 后台服务器(主要处理php及一些功能请求 如:中文url)

Nginx  前端服务器(利用它占用系统资源少得优势来处理静态页面大量请求)

Lighttpd 图片服务器

总体来说,随着nginx功能得完善将使他成为今后web server得主流。




systat [-display] [refresh-interval]

其中 display 为我们所要显示的信息项目,我们也可以在进入 systat 后通过输入“:display” 变更显示项目,refresh-interval 参数是需要多长时间采样一次系统数据输出到屏幕,单位是秒。

实例:# systat -vmstat 1




以下为可用的 display 参数:

pigs 显示目前系统中使用 CPU 最多的行程名称。如果所有行程的 CPU 使用量未满 100%,则多出来的部份显示为 IDLE。
icmp 统计目前 ICMP 封包的进出情形。
icmp6 显示 IPv6 的 ICMP 封包进出情形。
ip 显示 IP 层的封包统计及 UDP 封包信息。
ip6 和 IP 一样,但只显示 IPv6 的封包。
tcp 显示 TCP 的封包统计。
iostat 显示 I/O 状况统计,并分类为各种模式显示。
swap 显示目前各个储存空间上的虚拟内存的使用情形。
mbufs 显示 mbufs 被使用的状态。
vmstat 这是我们最常用的显示模式,它显示了最多的信息,包含 I/O、虚拟内存、mbufs、网络等信息。
netstat 显示网络的使用情形。
ifstat 显示各个网络适配卡的使用情形。



Stoke 1-3 Arsenal : Ramsey’s injury sickening – the media have blood on their hands
斯托克城 1-3 阿森纳:拉姆塞的受伤彷如噩梦—媒体是罪魁祸首
May 1st 2006 – Abou Diaby has his ankle fractured and dislocated by a challenge from Dan Smith.
Feb 23rd 2008 – Eduardo has his left fibula fractured and sustains an open dislocation of his ankle joint after Martin Taylor’s tackle.
Feb 27th 2010 – Aaron Ramsey has his fibula and tibia broken, his leg left hanging in the air, by Ryan Shawcross.
Arsenal captain Cesc Fabregas said immediately after the game:
In five years I’ve seen three of them, Abou, Edu and now Aaron. What can I say? It’s difficult.
I love Cesc but he’s wrong. It’s not five years. It’s less than four years. These kinds of horror injuries can happen in football. It’s a physical sport and such injuries are thankfully rare but they do happen. However, I have never in all my years known one club to suffer three of these potentially career ending injuries, let alone in such a short period of time.
Is it just coincidence? Arsene Wenger said afterwards he doesn’t believe in coincidence and I’m with him 100% on this one. I believe that these three injuries are a direct consequence of the ‘Arsenal don’t like it up ‘em’ ethos which has become conventional wisdom in recent years.
‘They don’t like being kicked’, the implication that the wimpy foreigners can’t take it. And it has been peddled across the football world by reporters, TV pundits, radio commentators, Sky Sports presenters and anyone else you can think of. ‘Arsenal don’t like it up ‘em’, as if Arsenal were somehow unique in this. Let me tell you, nobody likes it ‘up em’.
No other club has suffered three horrendous injuries like this in the last four years. My honest opinion is that the belief that it’s ok to be overly physical with Arsenal because, surprise surprise, they don’t like it, is the root cause. If I had to trace it back I think it’d probably start with Sam Allardyce and if I had a time machine that cunt would get it good and proper but sadly we can only deal with the here and now.
Before I go on, I’ll make this point : I don’t think any of the players who carried out these tackles wanted to break another professional’s leg. And in that I’m giving Dan Smith the serious benefit of the doubt because his tackle was by far the worst, well late and I think a bit nasty. Even still I don’t think he intended to do that kind of damage. Now, let me address the people who say "Well, he’s is not that kind of player’.
在继续之前,我必须澄清我的观点:我不认为任何一位上述的肇事者之一真心想弄断另一个职业球员的腿。这个认定给了史密斯最大的好处,因为他的犯规时最恶性的,后来想起来真的觉得很恶毒。即使这样我仍然愿意相信他并不是为了踢断腿而踢断腿的。好,现在让我们来谈谈那些说 “他是个本性善良的球员”的人。
Duh, you are a fucking moron and you should shut up. Unless the person in question is an actual psychopath of course they’re not that kind of player. It goes without saying. Nevertheless they’ve been told to go out there and get stuck in and give Arsenal a bit extra because, as we all know, they don’t like it up ‘em. So you have Dan Smith’s snide tackle, Martin Taylor’s ‘reducer’ and last night Shawcross’s reckless hack at Aaron Ramsey. Did he mean to break his leg? Of course not. Did he want to? No, of course not. The bottom line though is that he did. I feel his tackle was absolutely reckless. Watch it again if you can – via @twistedgambino. If it happened on a football pitch at the very poor level I play at there would have been war, because everyone could see it was unnecessary. At this level of the professional game it was a horrendous challenge.
If I can liken to it something else it’s speeding. The young guy in his car who goes out, thinking he’s Johnny Invincible, until he careers around a corner too fast and mows down a child. He didn’t mean to, but he did it, and he is responsible. "I didn’t meant to run the kid over" and "He’s not that kind of driver" aren’t acceptable excuses in a courtroom so spare me the mealy-mouthed crap over Shawcross. He looked distraught but his tears don’t matter. What matters is that a talented young footballer has been the victim of a ridiculous tackle and his leg is broken in pieces.
We know Aaron is going to get the best possible medical care and all we can do is wish the best for him as his career takes an unexpected and horrific diversion. We’ve seen the impact of these injuries, the fallout is not pretty, and he is probably going to have to battle the same niggles that Eduardo and Diaby have to struggle against all the time. The physical damage is tremendous, not just the broken leg but try to redevelop the muscle and everything else, but so too is the mental damage. Thankfully he’s got two guys who can show him the way, who can help through when things get really difficult and when it’s time to come back they can help him cross the white line again without fear.
But how fucking heartbreaking is it that we have those two players? I will admit to being rather emotional watching that game last night. It was obvious from the first instant what had happened and I felt sick for Aaron Ramsey. A kid of 19. It leaves you angry. And angrier because this is not the first time it has happened to Arsenal. Nor the second. But the third inside four years and quite frankly enough is enough.
Immediately afterwards on Sky we had Richard Keys and Andy Gray making excuses. "Is it because Arsenal are too quick?", said Keys. Fuck me. No. It’s not because we’re too quick, it’s because we’ve been on the receiving end of some obscene tackles. "Sometimes you have to play them like that", said Gray, referring to the fact that Arsenal don’t like it up ‘em. Well, he’s the thing – as far as I’m concerned, Andy Gray, Richard Keys, the rest of those utter cunts at Sky, and anyone else who has helped perpetrate that myth over the years is in some way culpable for the fact that Aaron Ramsey had his leg busted like a twig last night. They have gone on and on and on about it and this, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens.
Arsene Wenger addressed it already this season at one his press conferences.
I am always absolutely amazed that people get away with it. When we get kicked and lose the game, the question I get from the press is ‘oh, you did not fancy that’. But nobody is upset or shocked by it. When we are kicked they find that it is absolutely all right.
And the assembled hacks had a little titter and off they went to do exactly that. The furor over Gallas’s tackle after the Bolton game was incredible. I don’t remember any pundit saying "He’s not that kind of player", only slamming him for what was, I agree, a bad challenge. The Shawcross apologists are out in force today yet these are the same people who made such a mountain out of the molehill that was Eduardo’s dive against Celtic that UEFA ‘investigated’ and tried to ban him. A dive. Yet when a young man has his leg broken in bits they keep their mouths shut or come out in defence of the honest English clogger (any coincidence all three challenges have been by Englishmen?). Honestly, they make me fucking sick. This willingness to overlook acts of horrific violence yet focus on trivia like diving.
Shawcross gets a three match ban, Alex Song is now banned for two matches for a booking that never was. How the fuck does that work in any sane kind of world? It’s rotten to the core, is what it is.
And back to Sky for a moment. If anything sums up their hypocrisy it’s the decision not to show replays of the tackle. Why not? They say it’s because the images are too upsetting. Firstly, who the fuck made them the arbiters of good taste? Why do they get to decide what is and isn’t acceptable? People have buttons on their remote which say ‘off’ or ‘channel up’. If they don’t want to watch it, advise them and they can turn it off. As the broadcaster who has done most to big up the ‘Arsenal don’t like it up ‘em’ thing they have a responsibility to show what happened to Aaron Ramsey. To show what a tackle like that can do. To show that when you egg people on enough and they think it’s ok to behave recklessly that there are consequences.
For Ramsey it’s a broken leg and a year out of the game, all going well. For Arsenal we lose a talented player at a crucial part of the season … and we have to watch another of our lads injured in a way that would bring tears to your eyes. And even for Shawcross, who I think was utterly reckless, the tackle on Ramsey was not his first wild lunge of the night, who has been told to go out and play like that. He didn’t want to break Ramsey’s leg. I’m sure it’ll make him sick, give him nightmares and all the rest. I’m not suggesting he’s a victim by any means but he is a byproduct of this media led scheme too. I don’t feel sorry for him but I think it’s a fair point in the grand scheme of things.
I’m sure there are some reading this who will say ‘Arsenal aren’t whiter than white’. And that’s true. No team that plays a high intensity physical sport can say that. Yet no other team has been on the receiving end of the kind of injuries we have. That is a fact. One you can put down to an accident, two could be just unfortunate, three … too much. And enough is enough. I’m sure this will get plenty of coverage on Arsenal blogs, many of whom I’m sure feel the same way about this as I do, but there are good journalists and sports writers out there who also have a platform and, in my opinion, a duty to address this issue. If they love football then they can’t ignore this.
Some will, Shawcross has been called up the England squad which affords a player a certain amount of protection from the most jingoistic and snide journalists. I do hope there are others who will take up the baton though. Not against Shawcross in particular but on the general issue. It is not ok to kick Arsenal, or any other team, out of a game. We all love the physical aspect of football, it’s part of what makes it such a great game, but there’s a line you don’t cross and too often now teams have crossed it with us, without so much as a word of condemnation. Instead there’s the sly smile, the snigger and the sneering about how ‘Arsenal don’t like it up ‘em’.
It is not acceptable. The consequences of that mindset were obvious last night as a 19 year old boy screamed in agony as his leg hung at a sickening angle. This is the outcome of your sly smiling and your sneering. Are you happy now?
Before I finish on this particular section, props to Stoke’s Glen Whelan who stayed with Aaron Ramsey from the moment it happened. A cut above the rest. To the Stoke fans who applauded Aaron off the field, fair play to you. To the rest who chanted abuse as he lay injured and gave him wanker signs as he was taken off the pitch on a stretcher, you are fucking pondlife. I hope you die roaring.
Finally, it seems a bit trite and redundant but I want to wish Aaron Ramsey all the best and I hope we see him back in an Arsenal shirt, where he belongs, as soon as possible.
As for the game, what can you say? It doesn’t bear much analysis in terms of the performance but one thing stood out for me. Cesc Fabregas. Our captain. When Eduardo was injured against Birmingham we went to pieces, culminating in the toe-curling sight of then captain William Gallas throwing a tantrum when we gave away a late penalty. Last night we were a bit tentative after the incident, which is only natural, but it became clear this is a different Arsenal team. There was no feeling sorry for ourselves. No dwelling on things we couldn’t change.
Cesc Fabregas became the leader Arsenal fans have so dearly wanted for so long. I won’t hear a thing about how he’s not a captain because he fucking well is. First goal – assist for Bendtner’s fantastic header. Second goal – a penalty under the most intense pressure imaginable. He had the balls to get up there, take it and score it. Third goal – assist for Vermaelen. Nor did he stand for any of Stoke’s baiting. He had a little kick at one of their players who had kicked him earlier. He Sssshhh’d Tony Pulis. He dragged his Arsenal team over the line. He led by example last night and at the end of the game our players stood in a huddle, knowing they’d shown what they’re made of, and the captain rallied his troops. Each one of them was fantastic last night. The lessons of Birmingham have been learned.
I know people all have their opinions of this team, the players, the managers and everything else but if last night didn’t make you proud to be an Arsenal fan then there’s something wrong with you. My spine is tingling even thinking about it.
I think that sometimes we lose sight of why and how we support our football club, and while you’d never want to be reminded because of what happened to Aaron Ramsey last night did just that. Our reaction, our desire, our spirit, our togetherness, it was the Arsenal.
I love the Arsenal.



二月 26th, 2010


No Comments, Python, by garey, 11,389 views.

>>> import json
>>> userinfo = {‘name’: ‘garey’, ‘dob’: ’1983-01-01′, ‘gender’: ‘M’, ‘country’: ‘CN’, ‘access’: 0, ‘state’: 1, ‘last_login’: ’2010-02-25 18:00:00′}
>>> json_userinfo = json.write(userinfo)
>>> json_userinfo
‘{"name":"garey","dob":"1983-01-01","gender":"M","country":"CN","access":0,"state":1,"last_login":"2010-02-25 18:00:00"}’
>>> user =
>>> user['name']

二月 26th, 2010


No Comments, Python, by garey, 8,204 views.

import memcache
mc = memcache.Client([''], debug=0)

mc.set("key", "value")
mc.set("key", "value", 1)

value = mc.get("key")
print value


mc.set("key", "1")

二月 25th, 2010


No Comments, MySQL, PHP, by garey, 10,204 views.


Warning: mysqli::close() [mysqli.close]: Couldn’t fetch mysqli in /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/test.php on line 84


class Mysql_class{

private $link;

function __destruct(){



function connect($dbhost, $dbport, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname){

$this->link = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname, $dbport);


function close(){




$mydb = new Mysql_class($dbhost, $dbport, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname);



找了好久才发现在使用__destruct()执行$this->close()之后,就不需要再手动调用$mydb->close()了,这样mysqli->close就被执行了两次,所以第二次会提示Couldn’t fetch mysqli。

二月 21st, 2010


No Comments, Python, by garey, 6,870 views.


我编写了一个极简单的测试程序,在Solaris x86 + python 2.4.4平台上运行,分别使用dict和rbtree,插入两百万个记录(key是3个整型,value是1个整型,你大概猜到我在干什么了吧 :) )。且在dict插入完之后,调用dict.keys().sort()对其key进行排序(也就是快排)。比较的结果是,两种方法使用的内存相当(大概在200M左右)。但是hash算法的速度要快一倍以上。当记录个数增加到五百万个时,结果还是差不多──即内存使用相当,hash算法快一倍。





二月 21st, 2010


No Comments, 未分类, by garey, 6,739 views.

    不知道说到这里,一些不了解的朋友是否大概了解了哈希表的原理,其实就是通过空间换取时间的做法。到这里,可能有的朋友就会问,哈希函数对key进行转换,取余的值一定是唯一的吗?这个当然不能保证,主要是由于hashcode会对数组长度进行取余,因此其结果由于数组长度的限制必然会出现重复,所以就会有“冲突”这一问题,至于解决冲突的办法其实有很多种,比如重复散列的方式,大概就是定位的空间已经存在value且key不同的话就重新进行哈希加一并求模数组元素个数,既 (h(k)+i) mod S , i=1,2,3…… ,直到找到空间为止。



二月 11th, 2010


No Comments, Linux, by garey, 5,856 views.

服务器端主要是安装memcache服务器端,目前的最新版本是 memcached-1.3.0 。
另外,Memcache用到了libevent这个库用于Socket的处理,所以还需要安装libevent,libevent的最新版本是 libevent-1.3。(如果你的系统已经安装了libevent,可以不用安装)

1.先安装libevent。这个东西在配置时需要指定一个安装路径,即./configure –prefix=/usr;然后make;然后make install;
2.再安装memcached,只是需要在配置时需要指定libevent的安装路径即./configure –with-libevent=/usr;然后make;然后make install;

    1.分别把memcached和libevent下载回来,放到 /tmp 目录下:
    # cd /tmp
    # wget
    # wget

    # tar zxvf libevent-1.2.tar.gz
    # cd libevent-1.2
    # ./configure –prefix=/usr
    # make
    # make install

    # ls -al /usr/lib | grep libevent
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 11?? 12 17:38 ->
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 263546 11?? 12 17:38
    -rw-r–r– 1 root root 454156 11?? 12 17:38 libevent.a
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 811 11?? 12 17:38
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 11?? 12 17:38 ->

    # cd /tmp
    # tar zxvf memcached-1.2.0.tar.gz
    # cd memcached-1.2.0
    # ./configure –with-libevent=/usr
    # make
    # make install
    安装完成后会把memcached放到 /usr/local/bin/memcached ,

    # ls -al /usr/local/bin/mem*
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 137986 11?? 12 17:39 /usr/local/bin/memcached
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 140179 11?? 12 17:39 /usr/local/bin/memcached-debug

1.在 选择相应想要下载的memcache版本。

    tar vxzf memcache-2.2.1.tgz
    cd memcache-2.2.1
    ./configure –enable-memcache –with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config –with-zlib-dir
    make install


    Installing shared extensions: /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-2007xxxx/

4.把php.ini中的extension_dir = “./”修改为

    extension_dir = “/usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-2007xxxx/”


# /usr/local/bin/memcached -d -m 10 -u root -l -p 12000 -c 256 -P /tmp/

    -P是设置保存Memcache的pid文件,我这里是保存在 /tmp/,


    # kill `cat /tmp/`


3.重启apache,service httpd restart

运行下面的php文件,如果有输出This is a test!,就表示环境搭建成功。开始领略Memcache的魅力把!
< ?php
$mem = new Memcache;
$mem->connect(”″, 11211);
$mem->set(’key’, ‘This is a test!’, 0, 60);
$val = $mem->get(’key’);
echo $val;

